About Creative Expansion
Tsafi Lederman and Jenny Stacey have created a wide-ranging programme of professional and personal development workshops building an international community of learning.
They have developed and use the Embodied Creative Method. Embodied Coaching focuses on two primary pathways: body process and exploring image and metaphor using the arts. Both these pathways act as a bridge between implicit and explicit knowledge allowing layers of meaning to emerge that may not be in conscious awareness.
Their workshops include reflection and understanding of the psychological and emotional dimensions of coaching and help develop skills in working at relational depth. Both Tsafi and Jenny have extensive experience of post graduate training of coaches and psychotherapists, creating a safe environment for exploration. With Creative Expansion people discover their creative potential and use these qualities for personal growth as well as enhancing their resourcefulness in their professional and business spheres.
Understanding and being able to use the ECM adds a new approach and expands your coaching practice.
Tsafi and Jenny have jointly published Embodied Coaching: Pathways to Implicit Knowledge Using the Arts and Somatic Process in Coaching Today (2004) and contributed Working with Shame using Embodied Coaching in 101 Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries, and Experiments (2020).
Tsafi Lederman
Tsafi is a Coach trainer, UKCP registered Integrative arts psychotherapist, Gestalt and Body-psychotherapist, and group facilitator with over twenty years of experience. She has a private psychotherapy and supervision practice in London. She is also a senior lecturer, trainer, and supervisor in the integrative arts therapy MA programme, and developed and co-directed the Creativity & Imagination programme at IATE (Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education).
Tsafi’s recent chapter, “Hide and Seek,” explores the use of arts and the body to assist discovery and self-awareness in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy (2022) She is a co-author of several chapters on psychological processes in “The Science and Practice of Manual Therapy” (2005) and a chapter entitled “Touch as a Therapeutic Intervention in Morphodynamics in Osteopathy” (2006).
Tsafi and Jenny have jointly published “Embodied Coaching: Pathways to Implicit Knowledge Using the Arts and Somatic Process” in Coaching Today (2004) and contributed to “101 Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries, and Experiments,” edited by Michelle Lucas (2020).
Jenny Stacey
Jenny is an executive coach, coach supervisor and educator, who lives in Yorkshire UK.
She is programme director of the Diploma in Advanced Business and Executive coaching at Smurfit Graduate Business school UCD Dublin, a programme which combines her professional experience in coaching and psychological theory. She is a currently a facilitator for ‘Courage and Spark’ Peter Bluckert’s transformative leadership programme.
Before training as a coach she was a gestalt psychotherapist (UKCP, HCPC) and so brings interest, expertise and experience in the psychological dimension to her coaching, training and coaching supervision. In the UK from 2004 until 2018 she co-directed both the postgraduate Diplomas in Coaching Supervision and Coaching Psychology run jointly by PB Coaching and Leeds Beckett University.
She has a chapter called The Therapeutic Relationship in Creative Ars Psychotherapy in The Therapeutic Relationship (2008) ed: Haugh & Paul and is co-author with Geoff Pelham of Counselling Skills for Creative Arts Therapists (1999)